
Benefits of whole foods

Whole foods are foods that are produced from the whole grains of some cereals, taking advantage of most of the fibers, vitamins and minerals that are lost in the refining process. They are very beneficial for health and that is why their consumption is highly recommended. Generally, the labels of some products specify their ingredients with great emphasis on organic, whole grain and gluten-free products. Let's see how you benefit every time you decide to incorporate whole foods into your daily diet.

Advantages of consuming whole foods

They are foods rich in fiber This is definitely one of its great advantages. The consumption of foods rich in fiber favors the intestine, acting as a natural cleanser and providing a certain lubrication, considerably improving evacuations, at the same time preventing constipation. Among the set of cereals and foods rich in fiber we have:
  • Corn
  • wheat germ
  • Integral rice
  • Fruits, especially those that are consumed with everything and peel such as apples, pears, grapes, among many others.
  • Leafy green vegetables galore
They provide carbohydrates Carbohydrates are essential for children's growth; they are responsible for giving them energy to carry out activities each day. Carbohydrates also act as a source of energy for the brain and other nervous tissues in our body. Its consumption in sufficient quantities allows:
  • Protein savings
  • Accelerates the metabolism of fats
  • Stabilizes cholesterol
For your daily diet, it is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates instead of simple ones . The simple ones are, for example, white sugar, molasses and fruit juices, which in excess uncontrol the metabolism and can cause diabetes. On the contrary, complexes are assimilated more slowly, balancing the metabolism . Whole grains belong to this group, therefore they are the most recommended when choosing carbohydrates for the diet. Rice, wheat and whole barley stand out. They provide vitamins and minerals Whole foods are very rich in vitamins and minerals , they enjoy the presence of B complex and vitamin E, their presence disappears when they are subjected to the refining process. In relation to the presence of minerals, they provide phosphorus, zinc, silicon and iron, sodium and calcium are also present but in small proportions in relation to the previous ones. Whole foods are beneficial and very useful in the growth of children, and in the diet of adults and people of prolonged youth. You may be interested in: The differences between white and brown rice