anacardos blog

Cashews and their benefits

Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale) are seeds native to Brazil and Venezuela. They grow on trees that can reach 7 meters in height and hang from the bottom of the pseudofruits that these trees produce. Cashews are characterized by their kidney or hook shape and their mild, buttery flavor. Their natural color is usually beige but when they are roasted or fried it changes to light brown. Like most nuts and seeds, cashews provide us with a lot of energy, since 50% of their content is fat, more than 30% are carbohydrates and more than 15% are proteins. It is worth highlighting the nutritional quality of cashew fats because most of them are omega 6 essential oils , essential for maintaining a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system. If we take 20 grams of raw cashews a day we can control cholesterol levels, avoid poor blood circulation and calm the symptoms of arthritis.

''Like all nuts, be careful with excesses, it is always better to take them in moderation''

  Cashews are also a source of plant-based proteins, although they do not contain lysine or methionine, which is why if we are vegetarians we must combine the intake of cashews with other nuts, cereals and legumes. The carbohydrates present in cashews are usually complex, that is, our body absorbs them slowly and in this way we avoid sudden increases in blood sugar. Cashews are also very rich in minerals . We can highlight its content of copper, iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Thanks to their high content of magnesium and calcium, the intake of cashews is especially recommended for athletes and patients with osteoporosis, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue. Due to their copper content, these seeds are especially indicated for those people who suffer from cardiovascular pathology as this mineral helps make blood vessels more flexible and prevents bad cholesterol from adhering to their walls. It is also highly recommended that students and children take cashews because the phosphorus content helps them overcome stress, concentrate better and rest at night. Cashews also provide us with large amounts of vitamin E , vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9 . All of them are essential for our nervous and visual system to be healthy and to avoid premature aging of our body.