
5 Non-dairy foods rich in calcium

Calcium is the most important mineral for everything related to our bone structure, it is also the most abundant in the body and represents 2% of our weight. Lack of calcium contributes to weak bones, frequent injuries, cavities, muscle cramps, and in the worst case, bone deformation and osteoporosis. Therefore, having a diet rich in calcium is necessary. These are the non-dairy foods that we propose today

Foods with high calcium intake

Poppy seeds Poppy seed comes from the flower of the same name and is an excellent source of calcium; two tablespoons a day provides 25% of the daily calcium requirement. It also provides a significant proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins such as B complex and vitamin E and C. Its use in gastronomy has been used as a raw material to coat or decorate different types of bread.   Walnuts Walnuts are products of the walnut tree, and they are one of the most recommended nuts for calcium consumption. For every 100g of walnuts, 88mg of this mineral is provided to the body. Its gastronomic use is particularly found in baking, although it can be consumed raw, or combined in salads and soups. It has a pleasant flavor and its properties are not altered by the different processes it undergoes in the making of any dish. Sesame seeds Sesame seed, also known as sesame, is a natural source of calcium; each 100g of this seed represents 975mg of this important mineral. Sesame seed is naturally found in white, gold or black. From a culinary point of view, their origins date back to Egypt; they are currently used as a garnish in salads and breads. They are also added to sautéed vegetables, meats and fish. There are those who toast it, without letting it burn, and grind it with seasonings and thanks to its natural oils, it forms a pleasant paste to spread on meals and snacks. wakame seaweed Wakame seaweed is an edible seaweed of the brown group, of Asian origin specifically from Japan, although it has spread throughout much of the European continent. Its culinary use focuses on the preparation of salads, soups, stews and as a complement to rice. It contains generous levels of calcium, each 100g of seaweed represents 150mg of this mineral. Which makes it an excellent option to incorporate into diets. nori seaweed Nori seaweed is a variety of edible seaweed of Asian origin and its culinary use is mainly in the preparation of Sushi. After cultivation, it is harvested and immediately dried through natural methods using the sun or ovens. Its presentation in the market is done through completely dehydrated sheets. It is a high source of calcium, each 100g of this algae provides 430mg of this mineral. Choose these calcium-rich foods in your daily diet and say goodbye to calcium deficiency in your body.