
3 smoothies to keep you in shape

One of the great recommendations to break the fast, after more than 8 hours of rest, is precisely the consumption of natural smoothies. These provide necessary energy for the body to such an extent that they serve to satisfy hunger while you prepare breakfast. The choice and combination of fruits and other foods for the preparation of juices is the key to being fit and feeling good. On this occasion we are going to recommend 3 important shakes to provide energy and control toxins in the body, which will help you feel healthy and healthy . Take a look at the recipes we have selected for you. The first is a juice rich in vitamin C and B to control fat metabolism, the next is a diuretic juice rich in fiber ideal for weight control and the last is a cleansing and remineralizing green juice. Juice rich in vitamins C and B In addition to helping you control fat metabolism, it helps strengthen the immune system and stimulate cell growth for the production of hormones. Ingredients
  • 1 or 2 oranges
  • 1 squeeze of lemon
  • 1 carrot with skin
  • 1 tablespoon banana powder
  • 1 pinch of ginger powder
Its preparation is basic and simple, you can use a blender to better dissolve the banana powder and ginger, however, you can stir it with a spoon without any problem.   Diuretic and fiber-rich juice This juice helps reduce inflammation in the body by getting rid of accumulated toxins. Its ingredients provide fiber that also helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Ingredients
  • 1 apple with skin
  • Pineapple (2 or 3 slices)
  • 1 peeled kiwi
  • 1 teaspoon chia (Add mineral water or coconut water if necessary)
The preparation is quick, it will only take you to remove the skin from the pineapple and kiwi. You put everything in the blender and drink without having to strain.


  Purifying and remineralizing green juice Green juice provides a lot of energy to the body while helping to purify it and prepares the body to receive food. Ingredients
  • 1 glass of coconut water
  • ½ cucumber with skin
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 apple with skin
  • 1 teaspoon wheat green or barley green
You can take a different one every day on an empty stomach and you will see how you will soon start to feel fitter and have a lot of energy.